The image was taken using a DSLR 700, ISO 800, focal length 70 mm, 1/160 sec at f/5.6.
Monday, 18 October 2010
By gone times
This is a photograph of the train pulling away that's a memory in all children's minds of an epic journey that they once had, I like this because it brings back childhood memories.
By gone times
This image was taken using a DSLR 700, ISO 800, 1/160 sec at f/7.1, focal length 24mm.
This is a photograph of the engine, I like this image because it shows that its alive and working and with the volunteer being a young person their is a new generation of interest and volunteers that are up and coming in order to keep the steam engines running.
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
This is a photograph of an overall shot which the curator allowed me to go on the mescaline floor that is closed of to the public to take this shot. I like this image because it shows all the different types of tenders and I think that the colours contrast well making the tenders stand out.
The image was taken using a DSLR 700. ISO 4000, focal length 24mm, 1/100 sec at f/10.
By gone times
This is a photograph of the engine name plate that has just been restored showing that the steam engine was built in 1948 in Newcastle by Robert Stephenson and Hawthorns Ltd. I like the image because the actual name plate is a piece of history highlighting when it was made and the number 7458 is it's registration number.
The image was taken using a DSLR 700, ISO 4000, focal length 50 mm, 1/80 at f/6.3.
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
By gone times
This image was taken for the pecha kucha brief, I chose to do steam trains as it is a great passionate hobby and interest of mine. This is one of the portraits I took of the steam driver, he is in his 80,s and he was the chief driver of the Duchess of Sutherland he does this as a volunteer, there are no longer any steam train drivers that are paid employees any more.
The image was taken on DSLR Nikon d700 using 24-70 mm telephoto lens, ISO 1600 I used this to get as much grain into the image as possible as I thought that it was fitting with the grubbiness of the image 1/100 sec at f/22.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Wilderness / Countryside
I took this image on a Nikon D80,
35mm focal 18-55mm lense, 1/40 sec at f/16 ISO 125. I took this picture as the walls took my eye in different directions all leading past the tree, the clouds being dark create a moody edge to the image and the tree is a distinctive visual object to the whole image.
Wilderness / countryside
I took this photograph on a Nikon D80. focal length 18mm -55mm, 1/160 SEC f/6.3ISO 125. This photograph was took because i thought that the composition was interesting with the tractor in the background. It shows the image running down the side of the dilapidated farm in the Dales the sun flare was left in the image as i feel that it adds to the overall finish.
Wilderness / Countryside
I took this phot on a Nikon D80, focal length 18-55mm short telephoto, 1/160 sec f/6.3 ISO 125. The reason that i used a Nikon D80 for these images is because it was convenient on the day and with the lenses that i had available i could cover alot of options for example, wide angle, telephoto or zoom lense. I did take a medium format Borinica s2 camera and a large tri-pod with me on the trip out, as it is always recomended that you use an Ansel Adams style approach when photographing the countryside or wilderness, however, due to the weather conditions on the day it was not possible.
Wilderness/ Countryside
Wilderness / country side
I took this image on Nikon D80, using a 18-55mm f3.5- 5.6 lense focal length 31 mm f/ 9.0 at 1/320 sec on ISO 125 using a polarising filter. I feel that i took this like an Ansel Adams and there was no other cars on the road, so i used the road as leading line, i am quite pleased with the image as i feel that the clouds give the image dramatics.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Written Evaluation
I chose to take these images on a wide angled lens as i felt that this method would give a wider angle so that the image would capture as much of the scenery as what i wanted to include in my final image as possible. I did also take my medium format Baronica camera; however; with the day being as miserable as it was with the rain it was difficult to take this camera and large tri-pod out with me so i left it in the car. I feel that the angles work well against the context of the subjects e.g, depth of field.
I have finished the images in colour as i feel that the dullness of the day adds to the mood and the natural lights captures the tones of the colours. I feel that the images have been captured in sharp focus and this helps the viewer walk through the picture and past the objects.
Urban /City Sprawl
I chose to take these images on both a wide angled lens and a fuji fine pix s2 pro DSLR, i felt that the wide angled lens would capture the widest view of the sprawl and the Blackburn images is what i used the fuji camera for. I felt that this worked as the sprawl images have a longth depth to the viewers eye and the Blackburn images look more up close and personal, all of the images were taken using natural day light.
I finished most of my images in colours as i feel that this has created a perception of realism to the viewers eye, although i did finish a couple of images in black and white as i liked the sense of mood that they created. I feel that that the focus of the images is sharp and that the editing works well in terms of further sharpening the overall finish of the images, for example, the starightening of the walls of the building all editing was done in CS4 lens correction filter.
Significant Places
I chose to take these images on portraiture lens as i felt that this method of photography would give a more finer detail to the images as i wanted to include as much detail of significant objcts that belong in my significant place as possible. I used f/1.4 so that i could get close up to the objects to include the angles and close up ranges gaining a true representation of why this place is significant to me.
I have finished my images in colour rather than black and white as i feel that colour adds purpose to each significant object, I used a studio tungsten bulb to take my photographs to brighten up the garage. I feel that the images have been captured in sharp focus and that this helps the viewer walk through the image and past the objects, i edited my image so that it would be a montage of leading lines.
Alien/Foreign Landscape
I chose to take these pictures using a short tele photo lens as i felt that this would work for the images and capture a lot into the final image, in realtion to the perception of depth which was what i was trying to portray. I took the photographs using the tunsten light that was aleady in the tunnel which was a cool blue colour. This photo opportunity was spontanous as the blue lights made me think of an alien space ship and i feel that this is portrayed in the image.
I finished my images in colour as it works well in making the image stand out and i feel that if it was done in black and white then it would be a completely different image. I feel that the image is in quite sharp focus and leads the viewers down the tunnel which i am pleased about.
I chose to take these images on a wide angled lens as i felt that this method would give a wider angle so that the image would capture as much of the scenery as what i wanted to include in my final image as possible. I did also take my medium format Baronica camera; however; with the day being as miserable as it was with the rain it was difficult to take this camera and large tri-pod out with me so i left it in the car. I feel that the angles work well against the context of the subjects e.g, depth of field.
I have finished the images in colour as i feel that the dullness of the day adds to the mood and the natural lights captures the tones of the colours. I feel that the images have been captured in sharp focus and this helps the viewer walk through the picture and past the objects.
Urban /City Sprawl
I chose to take these images on both a wide angled lens and a fuji fine pix s2 pro DSLR, i felt that the wide angled lens would capture the widest view of the sprawl and the Blackburn images is what i used the fuji camera for. I felt that this worked as the sprawl images have a longth depth to the viewers eye and the Blackburn images look more up close and personal, all of the images were taken using natural day light.
I finished most of my images in colours as i feel that this has created a perception of realism to the viewers eye, although i did finish a couple of images in black and white as i liked the sense of mood that they created. I feel that that the focus of the images is sharp and that the editing works well in terms of further sharpening the overall finish of the images, for example, the starightening of the walls of the building all editing was done in CS4 lens correction filter.
Significant Places
I chose to take these images on portraiture lens as i felt that this method of photography would give a more finer detail to the images as i wanted to include as much detail of significant objcts that belong in my significant place as possible. I used f/1.4 so that i could get close up to the objects to include the angles and close up ranges gaining a true representation of why this place is significant to me.
I have finished my images in colour rather than black and white as i feel that colour adds purpose to each significant object, I used a studio tungsten bulb to take my photographs to brighten up the garage. I feel that the images have been captured in sharp focus and that this helps the viewer walk through the image and past the objects, i edited my image so that it would be a montage of leading lines.
Alien/Foreign Landscape
I chose to take these pictures using a short tele photo lens as i felt that this would work for the images and capture a lot into the final image, in realtion to the perception of depth which was what i was trying to portray. I took the photographs using the tunsten light that was aleady in the tunnel which was a cool blue colour. This photo opportunity was spontanous as the blue lights made me think of an alien space ship and i feel that this is portrayed in the image.
I finished my images in colour as it works well in making the image stand out and i feel that if it was done in black and white then it would be a completely different image. I feel that the image is in quite sharp focus and leads the viewers down the tunnel which i am pleased about.
PLACES - The City or the Urban Sprawl
This image works because the sky and the building kind of act like layers sandwiching the town in between them. A series of images like this could possibly work as another complete project. Taken on fujifinepix with a 79mm lens using the widest angle. Shutter speed 1/125th, ISO 800 f/ 16 and a Polarising filter fro added saturation of the sky.
PLACES - The City or the Urban Sprawl
This will be one of my final images for this unit. I like the weird composition from this awful combination of the bright yellow banana statue in the middle of the pavement, and the way that the council have sensitively painted the window boxes of the flats the same shade! Yellow and blue work well in this composition so I think the colour version is the better of the two.
This was taken on fujifinepix 35mm f/16with a polarising filter ISO 800 and 1/125th second.
This was taken on fujifinepix 35mm f/16with a polarising filter ISO 800 and 1/125th second.
PLACES - The City or the Urban Sprawl
This photograph looks like it is made up of several images, because there is the old Thwaites chimney and factory, the working mans pub in the foreground and the modern glass building to the right, so overall I like the mix of times in the photo. This was taken on fuji fine pix , ISO 800 f/11 and shutter speed 1/500th second 35-80mm lens focal length 79 mm . I think this image works better in black and white because it adds to the feel of time.
PLACES - The City or the Urban Sprawl
I liked this image of another of the defining landmarks in Blackburn. I think that the aeroplane looks odd because its not pointing quite the same way as the weather vane, but I like this image overall. This was taken with a Fuji Fine Pix S2Pro DSLR and a polarising filter on 51mm focal lens , 1/1750 sec f/ 13 ISO 800.
PLACES - The City or the Urban Sprawl
PLACES - The City or Urban Sprawl
This will be one of my final images for this unit. I chose to take this building because it has now become an icon in the Blackburn landscape. Having changed the image to black and white I have decided it should be in colour because it has more character and blends with the sky. This was taken on my fuji finepix and 35 -80 mm lens 42mm Length ISO 800 1/1000 sec f/16 using a Polarising Filter. I used Photoshop CS4, lens correction filters to straighten the building line as I got Parallax error when I took the photograph.
PLACES - The City or the Urban Sprawl
These are my Contact Print Sheets for the City or Urban Sprawl unit. I went out around Blackburn town centre and took random candid shots using my fuji finepix nikon 35-80 mm short tele photo lens, which was the most suitable for different focal points when you don't have the opportunity to keep changing lenses. I also used a polarising filter to get deeper sky colours as it was good sunny day. When you use a Polarising filter, you need to adjust your aperture by a couple of stops for non sky work as otherwise your images will be under exposed.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
PLACES - The Landscape of Disappointment
This is me and my cousin Steven at aged 3 years with my Grandad in his back yard. The whole travelling back in time experience brings back images and memories that you have forgotten about and makes you see things in a different light. This was a really happy time. I love the light in the photograph, which is 47 years old! Bless you Grandad! x
PLACES - The Landscape of Disappointment
This is me on my tricycle at age 3 years of age in the front room at our house. In looking at the issues raised by the essay The Landscape of Disappointment, I thought it would be interesting to look back at my own life for inspiration. It is interesting how doing this jogs your memory and actually does inspire you to look at the unexpected.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
David Chandler 'The Landscape of Disaoppointed
The essay jumped from past to present creating a sense of new, young and old, the start of the journey as David states it sounds a glum yet exciting time with lots of buzzing and news coverage. Their is emphasis on upward mobility of social class and how this did not work for his parents as it took them out of their comfort zone, a sense of not fitting in for mum as she feels feeble.
Their holds a great sense of reminiscence throughout the essay very strong memories of socialism and class, competing with the neighbours, a changing developing consumerist society.
David holds a great sense of pride in his dad and his dads old home there is a sense of expectation with slight snobbery held in a humorous context, his dad seems as though everything is a drama 'mountain out of a mole hole'. This goes on to be justified by describing the false hope a smoke screen created in the society failing dreams and aspirations in which they live, his dad accepts that it is false hope so becomes very black and white and opinionated, his parents hold a strong traditional marital relationship.
David falls back to memories that are better than the present a strong sense of disappointment is evident throughout the essay, and faded memories.
This can be related to my places brief as my garage holds my childhood memories such as the boat that i built when i was 12, my first brand new bike and my other bits and pieces that i can collected throughout my childhood, and adolescent journey into adult hood. Reading the essay brought a lot of childhood memories that i have not remembered for along time, for example, the street in which i lived, the grocery shop that we used to buy our food from, the local pub round the corner that i had to collect my dad from for Sunday dinner, the family structure on the street. I would love to be able to go back and photograph how it is now in order to compare past and present but this will be difficult due to distance and travelling.
Monday, 22 March 2010
I go to this industry show every year, but this year I was a bit disappointed as it didn't seem to have as many stands, and the Hassleblad people weren't there either. However, I took some shots as I went around, and overall found the day of some interest. Usually you get loads of freebies at these shows and photo paper, but not this year.....maybe its the recession kicking in!?
PLACES -A Familiar Place that is significant or important to you
This is the first bike I bought with my first wage packet, which cost me £21, 32 years ago!
I like the composition of this image as the blue line takes your eye to the BSA logo, and the wheels cut the page in the rule of thirds. This was a Tour de France special bike with the trademark racing yellow and blue paint. Taken with a Nikon D700 DSLR, using a studio tungsten bulb, with the overhead 200watt bulb which gives a double shadow. f1.4, 1/100th of a second, ISO 800 and 85mm focal length lens.
I like the composition of this image as the blue line takes your eye to the BSA logo, and the wheels cut the page in the rule of thirds. This was a Tour de France special bike with the trademark racing yellow and blue paint. Taken with a Nikon D700 DSLR, using a studio tungsten bulb, with the overhead 200watt bulb which gives a double shadow. f1.4, 1/100th of a second, ISO 800 and 85mm focal length lens.
PLACES - A Familiar Place that is significant or important to you
PLACES - Using Lines to inform ideas
Monday, 8 February 2010
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Here are a selection of my images for the alien or foreign environment which I took at Manchester airport , very early in the morning whilst it was still dark, to give the impression that you are on a spaceship, since it struck me that this was not unlike a spaceship that you see in the movies. The light interested me, because it gives you a sense of calmness because of the blue, cool tones. Because of the curve, IE; leading the eye, you can't wait to see whats around the next corner. I used a Nikon D80 SLR here, ISO 1600 to capture any light trails and give a grainy effect because it is more sensitive to light capture. I used an 18 - 55mm short telephoto lens to allow me to alter my focal length depending on the image I wanted to create, and also this gave me a wider angle in some instances. The shutter speed throughout was 1/25th of a second, at f/5.6.
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