Countryside/wildernessI chose to take these images on a wide angled lens as i felt that this method would give a wider angle so that the image would capture as much of the scenery as what i wanted to include in my final image as possible. I did also take my medium format Baronica camera; however; with the day being as miserable as it was with the rain it was difficult to take this camera and large tri-pod out with me so i left it in the car. I feel that the angles work well against the context of the subjects e.g, depth of field.
I have finished the images in colour as i feel that the dullness of the day adds to the mood and the natural lights captures the tones of the colours. I feel that the images have been captured in sharp focus and this helps the viewer walk through the picture and past the objects.
Urban /City SprawlI chose to take these images on both a wide angled lens and a fuji fine pix s2 pro DSLR, i felt that the wide angled lens would capture the widest view of the sprawl and the Blackburn images is what i used the fuji camera for. I felt that this worked as the sprawl images have a longth depth to the viewers eye and the Blackburn images look more up close and personal, all of the images were taken using natural day light.
I finished most of my images in colours as i feel that this has created a perception of realism to the viewers eye, although i did finish a couple of images in black and white as i liked the sense of mood that they created. I feel that that the focus of the images is sharp and that the editing works well in terms of further sharpening the overall finish of the images, for example, the starightening of the walls of the building all editing was done in CS4 lens correction filter.
Significant PlacesI chose to take these images on portraiture lens as i felt that this method of photography would give a more finer detail to the images as i wanted to include as much detail of significant objcts that belong in my significant place as possible. I used f/1.4 so that i could get close up to the objects to include the angles and close up ranges gaining a true representation of why this place is significant to me.
I have finished my images in colour rather than black and white as i feel that colour adds purpose to each significant object, I used a studio tungsten bulb to take my photographs to brighten up the garage. I feel that the images have been captured in sharp focus and that this helps the viewer walk through the image and past the objects, i edited my image so that it would be a montage of leading lines.
Alien/Foreign Landscape I chose to take these pictures using a short tele photo lens as i felt that this would work for the images and capture a lot into the final image, in realtion to the perception of depth which was what i was trying to portray. I took the photographs using the tunsten light that was aleady in the tunnel which was a cool blue colour. This photo opportunity was spontanous as the blue lights made me think of an alien space ship and i feel that this is portrayed in the image.
I finished my images in colour as it works well in making the image stand out and i feel that if it was done in black and white then it would be a completely different image. I feel that the image is in quite sharp focus and leads the viewers down the tunnel which i am pleased about.