Monday, 18 October 2010

By gone times

This is a photograph of the train pulling away that's a memory in all children's minds of an epic journey that they once had, I like this because it brings back childhood memories.
The image was taken using a DSLR 700, ISO 800, focal length 70 mm, 1/160 sec at f/5.6.

By gone times

This image was taken using a DSLR 700, ISO 800, 1/160 sec at f/7.1, focal length 24mm.
This is a photograph of the engine, I like this image because it shows that its alive and working and with the volunteer being a young person their is a new generation of interest and volunteers that are up and coming in order to keep the steam engines running.

By gone times

This is a photograph of a small tender coming up the tracks to pull the carriages, I like this image because the steam creates movement it looks like an old dinosaur working.
The image was taken using a DSLR 700, ISO 800, focal length 70mm, exposure 1/100 sec at f/14.

By gone times

This image was taken using a DSLR 700, 1/100 sec at f/8.0, focal length 55 mm, ISO 4000.
This is a portrait of the curator in front of the Duchess of Sutherland his name is Geoffrey Anthony and he was a very proud man i like this image because it shows a man happy in his work, he was 70 years old.

By gone times

This is a photograph of an overall shot which the curator allowed me to go on the mescaline floor that is closed of to the public to take this shot. I like this image because it shows all the different types of tenders and I think that the colours contrast well making the tenders stand out.
The image was taken using a DSLR 700. ISO 4000, focal length 24mm, 1/100 sec at f/10.

By gone times

This is a photograph of the engine name plate that has just been restored showing that the steam engine was built in 1948 in Newcastle by Robert Stephenson and Hawthorns Ltd. I like the image because the actual name plate is a piece of history highlighting when it was made and the number 7458 is it's registration number.
The image was taken using a DSLR 700, ISO 4000, focal length 50 mm, 1/80 at f/6.3.

By gone times

This is a photograph of a fully restored engine I like this image because it shows the finished product after work has been carried out on it which in some cases takes years.
The image was taken using DSLR 700, ISO 4000, focal length 32 mm, 1/80 sec at f/6.3.

By gone times

This is an external view of the fire tender that is to be restored, this shows the external dilapidation of the paint work and the project to be getting on with.
The image was taken using a DSLR 700, focal length 27mm, ISO 800, 1/100 sec at f/5.6.

By gone times

This is a photograph of the inside of a tender which is to be restored. I like this image because it show's the workings and the pipe work of the boiler before its restored therefore it is in its dilapidation.
The image was taken using a DSLR 700, ISO 4000, focal length 24mm, 1/100 sec at f/2.8.

By gone times

I took this picture as i like how it show's the elements of the wheel, the emphasis of the image is to show that steam trains run on steel wheels.
The image was taken using a DLSR 700, ISO 4000, focal length 24mm, 1/100 at f/2.8. I feel that the picture gives a good close up range.

By gone times

This image was taken using a DSLR 700, 35mm focal length, ISO 4000, 1/125 at f/6.3. I shot this image as it shows the team of the museum all of which are volunteers.

By gone times

This image was taken using DSLR 700, ISO 4000, focal length 27mm, exposure 1/100 sec at f/10.
I included this image as i feel that it is a typical shop entrance to a museum.

By gone times

This image was taken using a DSLR 700, iso 400, 1/11.0 sec at f/7.1 focal length 48 mm.
This shot is the introduction shot for my pecha kucha.

By gone times

This is a photograph of the Duchess of Sutherland which was in its special customised livery for one year only it is in the customised specially made paint (burgundy) as opposed to its original colour of black.
The image was taken using DSLR 700, ISO 1600, 44 mm focal length, 1/250 sec at f/8.

By gone times

This image was taken using a DSLR 700, iso 1600, focal length 24 mm, 1/320 sec at f/2.8. This image shows the stoker at his working position stoking up the boiler. This I feel is a great action shot.

By gone times

This is the fire tender were they put the coal, this is taken using DSLR 700, ISO 1600, 1/100 SEC AT F/10. This coal bunker can hold over 200 tons of coal, i like this image as you can see the contrast of the darkness of the bunker to light of the opening.

By gone times

This image was taken using ISO1600, 1/80 SEC F/4 with the image being taken on the inside by using the ISO 1600 it was able to capture any available light.

By gone times

This image was taken using DSLR 700, iso 1600, focal length of 60 mm, exposure was 1/125 sec at f/18. This was to show just how dirty the train drivers get.

By gone times

This image was taken for the pecha kucha brief, I chose to do steam trains as it is a great passionate hobby and interest of mine. This is one of the portraits I took of the steam driver, he is in his 80,s and he was the chief driver of the Duchess of Sutherland he does this as a volunteer, there are no longer any steam train drivers that are paid employees any more.
The image was taken on DSLR Nikon d700 using 24-70 mm telephoto lens, ISO 1600 I used this to get as much grain into the image as possible as I thought that it was fitting with the grubbiness of the image 1/100 sec at f/22.