For this brief we were asked to find different pieces of literature that inspired us and meant something to us, from the this literature we were then to interpret this in our own way to highlight the whole link to our thoughts anf feelings that we took from the words.
Inspirational literature
Morning Has Broken
Morning has broken
Like the first morning,
Black bird has spoken
Like the first bird.
Praise the singing!
Praise for the morning!
Praise for them springing
Fresh from the Word!
Sweet the rain's new fall
Sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dewfall
On the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness
Of the wet garden,
Sprung in completeness
Where His feet pass.
Mine is the sunlight!
Mine is the morning.
Born of the one light
Eden saw play!
Praise with elation,
Praise ev'ry morning,
God's recreation
Of the newday!
Words: Eleanor Farjeon
Meaning and Reasoning
The hymn Morning as Broken has always been a long standing memory of mine from when I was at Junior and it is a song/ hymn that has always stuck in my head.
When ever I have chose music for important events in my life i.e My Wedding Day, this is always the first song choice that comes into my head and I feel that it is important for it to be a part of my day.
When I decided that this was going to be used as part of my visual metaphor I was inspired to take images of the morning breaking, and wanted to use the Brick Croft to take my images, however once I arrived there and started taking images it kind of led me on a journey. In that when I was taking my photo's of what I had originally visualised I noticed other inspirational factors that all contributed to the wonderful natural preservation of the Brick Croft, and I really wanted to show the amazing work by the outstanding volunteers as these are the people that help to make the mornings so wonderful.
Inspirational literature 2
The following was another peice of literature which I had linked to the whole morning has broken theme it is a poem from the book 'An Anthology of Modern Verse' which was my mother in laws wedding present of my father in law.
I felt that the whole theme contrasted well with the whole theme of night to morning mood and it inspired me to take my images in a way of highlighting the mood and incorporating the sliver through black and white processing of the morning breaking. However as mentioned previously my brief took me on a completely different journey in terms of what images I was photographing.
But I feel that it is important to include the poem in the blog as it was an important factor in my location process.
SLOWLY, silently, now the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoon;
This way, and that, she peers, and sees
Silver fruit upon silver trees;
One by one the casements catch
Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;
Couched in his kennel, like a log,
With paws of silver sleeps the dog;
From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep
Of doves in a sliver-feathered sleep;
A harvest mouse goes scampering by,
With silver claws, and silver eye;
And moveless fish in the water gleam,
By silver reeds in a silver stream.
Walter de la Mare

This is Wayne Cosshalls macro photography of rocks and crystals the parts of the landscape that really caught his eye are greatly magnified in the viewfinder . As a lover of Macro photography I really like this image and what he has done with it in post production.
Like the first morning,
Black bird has spoken
Like the first bird.
Praise the singing!
Praise for the morning!
Praise for them springing
Fresh from the Word!
Sweet the rain's new fall
Sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dewfall
On the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness
Of the wet garden,
Sprung in completeness
Where His feet pass.
Mine is the sunlight!
Mine is the morning.
Born of the one light
Eden saw play!
Praise with elation,
Praise ev'ry morning,
God's recreation
Of the newday!
Words: Eleanor Farjeon
Meaning and Reasoning
The hymn Morning as Broken has always been a long standing memory of mine from when I was at Junior and it is a song/ hymn that has always stuck in my head.
When ever I have chose music for important events in my life i.e My Wedding Day, this is always the first song choice that comes into my head and I feel that it is important for it to be a part of my day.
When I decided that this was going to be used as part of my visual metaphor I was inspired to take images of the morning breaking, and wanted to use the Brick Croft to take my images, however once I arrived there and started taking images it kind of led me on a journey. In that when I was taking my photo's of what I had originally visualised I noticed other inspirational factors that all contributed to the wonderful natural preservation of the Brick Croft, and I really wanted to show the amazing work by the outstanding volunteers as these are the people that help to make the mornings so wonderful.
Inspirational literature 2
The following was another peice of literature which I had linked to the whole morning has broken theme it is a poem from the book 'An Anthology of Modern Verse' which was my mother in laws wedding present of my father in law.
I felt that the whole theme contrasted well with the whole theme of night to morning mood and it inspired me to take my images in a way of highlighting the mood and incorporating the sliver through black and white processing of the morning breaking. However as mentioned previously my brief took me on a completely different journey in terms of what images I was photographing.
But I feel that it is important to include the poem in the blog as it was an important factor in my location process.
SLOWLY, silently, now the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoon;
This way, and that, she peers, and sees
Silver fruit upon silver trees;
One by one the casements catch
Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;
Couched in his kennel, like a log,
With paws of silver sleeps the dog;
From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep
Of doves in a sliver-feathered sleep;
A harvest mouse goes scampering by,
With silver claws, and silver eye;
And moveless fish in the water gleam,
By silver reeds in a silver stream.
Walter de la Mare
The below quote is what I could relate to as that has been my method of working for this project I like to find something that is interesting or beautiful to the eye, I am not happy unless my work has element of this and once I have taken my image there are always ways of enhancing or exaggerating the said elements in post production. Wayne Cosshall has been a landscape photographer for 35 years, the reason that I have included his work in my blog is that I like his take on the landscape imagery which is " Landscape photography is along, well established part of the photography tradition. It involves the exploration of the physical world with camera in hand and mind looking either for interesting, unusual, beautiful or strange and the photographing of it, or find something that can be turned into one of these using in camera / and or post production techniques".
Tom Nicholls is a photographer who takes wedding documentary and landscapes he feels that taking pictures is about telling a story without becoming a part of it, He was mainly based in London but has moved up to Cheshire.
The reason that I have included his work as part of my research is that I really like image and it has inspired me to a try new a direction of photographing my images as was always looking up at what was around me to capture, however after seeing this image I started look at was on the floor to capture.

I really like the isolation used within this image I feel that the loneliness of the single tree makes the image to the viewers and enables them to appreciate the shaping of the tree,
Brian Kosoff lived in Manhattan and had a successful Photo studio, Kosoff wanted a change of lifestyle and a different style of photography. He shifted to landscape photography with a style of self expression, he likes to highlight natural untouched beauty and I feel that this image captures this.
He produces all his own images in his dark room and he likes to create a sense of romance and mystery to his final printed images, Brian Kosoffs work is described as "having a painterly feel". ( I would suggest that this description is evident in his work.
This is quite a large article so I have attached the link for anyone who may fancy reading this, I found this article very interesting to read, it is Hugh Webtser's biography on his experiences of being a photographer. I found reading this very inspiring as it highlighted that he too felt the same challenges and journey of learning as I am experiencing.
He too has had moments of doubt of whether or not photography should be his long term career and he has also struggled to find new inspirations and image ideas.
I can fully relate to what he has expressed through out this article especially the long time it takes to get your head around using new equipment.

This is one of Hugh Websters images I really like the use of colours and reflection of the tress I feel that the viewers eye are drawn in and are kept busy whilst observing the natural beauty.
I like the separation of colours in this image and I feel that they contrast well.

I really like the use of black and white for this and as a fan of black and white for my own production of photography I feel that it adds to the mood and feel of the image. The nature of the image highlights the strength and beauty of the tree rather than it being quite mundane and a standard tree. The branches kind of articulate a pattern within the image which makes the photograph more interesting to the viewer.

The title of this image is St-Mirran's Grave Yard and Birches which I feel is a very fitting title the eeriness of the image made me think of an isolated grave yard before I had even seen the title. I feel that the mood has been captured and the use of colours contrast very well adding to the aimed portrayal for the viewer.
My Brief Images
The reason that I like this image is because it shows the volunteer being very proactive and happy in his work. Every one would like to be happy in the work that they do but unfortunatley that is not and cannot be the case for everybody. I also like it as it shows him being happy in his life whilst facing challenges that are beyond his control on a daily basis but yet he is all round happy and getting on with his life doing the things that he wants to do whilst at the same time making a positive contribution for others to enjoy and providing a very important service to the upkeep of Brick Croft.
A picture of the Brick Croft Visitors description leaflet.

I like this image as I feel that the planks at the forefront of the image the lead the viewers eye to the main objects who are working hard together as a team. To help maintain and restore part of the BrickCroft.
Tutorial session with Richard Peregrine
I showcased my images to Richard who although he like the work he thought that I should use a different approach this being make more use of Macro images, which is my actual style of photography. It was also suggested that I should make the most of the dew centred mornings, after looking at some images for inspiration I have changed my approach and have a new direction for the images that I want to take.
Abstract Tree
This is one of my final images this was taken using focal length 85mm lens f1.4, 1/3200 ISO 200.
The reason that I like this image is due to how random the stump looks coming out of the lake, also I feel that the reflections help to create a sense of mood within the image.
This image was taken using a Nikon D700 105 mm focal length, f.4, 1/100 sec.
Lady bird on flower
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Ladybird and flower Mark Neylan 2012 |
The photograph was taken with 105mm focal length, f3.3, 1/3200 sec, ISO 200.
Dew on grass
This is one of my final images this image was taken using 85mm focal length, f2.8, 1/125 sec ISO 200, I feel that this image is within my genre and was in my comfort remit, therefore I enjoyed taking this photograph and again I like the use of Macro to highlight the dew, and I think that the use of colour within the image makes it look very inviting to the viewers eye.
Sunrise over water
This is one of my final images I really like the contrast of dark and light within this image and I feel that it has a romantic mood about it. I got up early to catch the sunrise which I feel makes the image.
This was taken using a Nikon D700 24-70mm focal length, f22, 1/6 sec ISO 200.
I am using this as one of my final images this image was taken using a Nikon D700, 105mm focal length, f4.2 1/1250 sec 1SO 200.
I like the use of colours within this image and the how the colours mingle and blur into each other.
This is one of my final images as I really like the delicateness of this image and I feel that the softness of the feather is very evident to the viewers eye, I would suggest that this photograph has a very angelic mood to it.
The contrast of the colours helps the feather stand out visually.
The image was taken using a Nikon D700, 105mm focal length, f8.0, 1/400sec.
Pink Primrose
This is one of my final images as I really like the brightness of this image I feel that it is very inviting to the viewers eye as it instantly captures the eye.
I feel that the dew helps to show the freshness of the flowers and the yellow helps to draw the eye into the centre of the image.
This image was taken using a Nikon D700, 105 mm focal length, f.14, 1/100 sec.
Yellow Primrose
This is one of my final images as I like the colours of this image and the use of shallow depth of field.
This image was taken using a Nikon D700, 105mm focal length, f2.8 1/400 sec ISO 200.
Sunrise over field
This is one of my final images as I really like the bounce of reflection from the sun in the top foreground of the image, I also like how the tress all link up to each other with the extension in their branches. I feel that the contrast of the colours works very well in setting the scene.
This was taken using a Nikon D700, 105mm focal length, f2.8 1/13 sec ISO 200.
Exhibition which is at The Brick Croft
Contact sheets

During the course of this brief my ideas angles changed to both what the host wanted to be exhibited and to the aims that my personal tutor wanted to be met. I enjoyed this brief as it allowed me to explore different times of the day, therefore different outcomes with different lighting, and it also broadened my perspective of use of camera technique and natural lighting.
The final images are now being exhibited at The Brick Croft Nature Reserve run by Lancashire Borough Council in Longton. The host was very impressed with the work and has asked if they can keep them longer than the original two weeks.
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