Friday 9 March 2012

Meaning and Inspiration

The hymn Morning as Broken has always been a long standing memory of mine from when I was at Junior and it is a song/ hymn that has always stuck in my head.
When ever I have chose music for important events in my life i.e My Wedding Day, this is always the first song choice that comes into my head and I feel that it is important for it to be a part of my day.

When I decided that this was going to be used as part of my visual metaphor I was inspired to take images of the morning breaking, and wanted to use the Brick Croft to take my images, however once I arrived there and started taking images it kind of led me on a journey. In that when I was taking my photo's of what I had originally visualised I noticed other inspirational factors that all contributed to the wonderful natural preservation of the Brick Croft, and I really wanted to show the amazing work by the outstanding volunteers as these are the people that help to make the mornings so wonderful.

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