Monday 12 March 2012

Research.....The Landscape Within and without: Similarities between landscape and fractals

Photography by Wayne J. Cosshall

Wayne Cosshall who has been a landscape photographer for 35 years, the reason that I have included his work in my blog is that I like his take on the landscape imagery which is "Landscape photography is a long, well established part of the photographic tradition. It involves the exploration of the physical world with camera in hand and mind looking either for interesting, unusual, beautiful or strange and the photographing of it, or finding something that can be turned into one of these using in camera / and or post production techniques".   ( .

The above quote is what I could relate to as that has been my method of working for this project  I like to find something that is interesting or beautiful to the eye, I am not happy unless my work has element of this and once I have taken my image there are always ways of enhancing or exaggerating thesaid elements in post production.                     

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